Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 For decades, businesses tried to determine what their customers' wanted using focus groups that offered feedback about how well customers liked certain products. As the business world got more complex and markets became more competitive, the kind of information that could be gleaned from focus groups became inadequate for most businesses. They didn't provide enough information, nor was the information valuable after a product was already release.

Realizing the limitations of focus groups and similar marketing practices, companies decided that they needed to know more about who were their customers, how they interacted with the company, and how the company could reach out to customers in a meaningful way. This idea of getting a "360-degree view" of customers was a nice concept, but it was never really achievable within the limited spectrum of marketing and communication tools that were available.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software was designed to try to pull together information from various systems to provide an idea of not only whether a customer had interacted with your business, but what kind of interaction occurred, who was involved in the interaction, and what it meant to the company. Unfortunately, most companies could get only limited answers to these questions: whether a customer had bought a company product or ever called in with a question or comment, and whether his or her current contact information was valid.


 Now that you are familiar with how blogs have added a new dimension to corporate communications and how engaging in the conversation is absolutely essential for your business's success in the blogosphere, you are ready to begin looking at the powerful possibilities blogging offers your business. You've likely been asking yourself such questions as "How can blogging benefit my company?" and "What would my successful blog look like?".
This chapter covers the practicalities of business blogging and what it means for you, including how it can impact your bottom line and how it will bring in customers and affect mindshare. It also examines several companies from a variety of industries that are succeeding at blogging; these early bloggers have paved the way for later blogging luminaries-like you.

Ways to harness this fast-growing medium's power.

Regardless of your product, blogs can be an integral part of a marketing strategy. This doesn't necessarily mean running out to start one. There are other ways to harness this fast-growing medium's power:
  • Gather market intelligence. Monitor public buzz to determine how your brand and close competitors are faring. Knowing where, why, and how you're being trashed (or praised) in a public forum allows you to respond appropriately -- and quickly. Any angry customer or disgruntled former employee can launch a blog at no cost. They may even get higher search rankings than your brand.
  • Engage bloggers by commenting on key business topics. Read blogs related to your product or company to understand the blogger's perspective and audience. Strategically respond to postings to initiate dialogue. More genuine that a PR pitch, this approach can also help correct misinformation.

    Blogs vary in size, approach, and ad opportunities. You can advertise directly on a blog that reaches your target market or through an advertising network such as BlogAds. Banners and text copy must be contextually relevant. As users visit often, it's important to change ad content frequently to prevent impression fatigue. One option is create a dialogue with a series of related ads.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How to make money with your website?

Some tips to observe how to research your possible niche for a successful website setup and the right decisions about the market or product to choose.

Start searching for the right keyword and follow this keyword research criteria:
  • Look for less then 100k competition when searched in quotes: “YOUR KEYWORD”
  • Adwords Cost per Click should be more than one dollar
  • Exact match traffic estimation should be above 300 a day
  • Your target should be based on a product or service, don’t focus just on advertising with Adsense or any other advertising program
Once you find a keyword that meets the above criteria see if you can find it in the following domain extensions .com .org .net and register the domain name.

Use WordPress to launch your site. (Fast, easy, SEO friendly)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internet Marketing Services

Every Full Internet Marketing Service Company either said they could do things and promised the moon or the Internet Marketing Service Company had an ulterior motive planned which was to take my money and give me nothing.  There are  many things which actually DO WORK such as article marketing service and work well but it is learned only after I spent thousands of dollars needlessly.  This Internet Web Site Marketing will share with you  (now and over time) the basics of search engines optimization.  There are, of course, other little quirks necessary for full internet marketing service but lets stick with some of the main basic elements to get control of your search engines optimization, at the beginning necessary to get high google ranking for your keyword selection to reach a solid internet web site marketing  plateau:  
1.    Search Engines Optimization is best when using internet marketing service and sound consulting internet marketing services principles for your internet web site marketing which begins with the proper keyword selection to obtain good keyword ranking and a high google ranking.  View your website from a 3rd party perspective as a whole unit to choose the proper keyword selection, then research it for popularity plus other possible correct keyword selection.  Some keyword selection never receive visitors as you will find using sound internet marketing service principles.  Just because when you search a term on google and there are an enormous number on the top of your screen doesn't mean surfers/visitors search for that keyword selection

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Internet maeketing Blog

Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs. These blogs differ from corporate sites because they feature daily or weekly posts, often around a single topic. Typically, corporations use blogs to create a dialog with customers and explain features of their products and services.

 Many organizations use blogs with their user community. This allows them to share and preview product features, functions, and benefits before the products are released. Blogs are an excellent way to gather feedbacks and to make sure products meet the needs of users. 

Blogs have become the next generation marketing tool to corporate sites which merely post collateral and do not provide any interactive feedback. 

Blogs are also supplementary to a User Group. User Groups happen annually for example while blogs provide users constant daily and weekly feedback.

Blogs are basic sites which are updated regularly. They act as a private news interface for any company / website. The need for fresh content on the web makes the Blogs a preferred destination for Resources. Blogs have been focused as a primary platform for Marketing since the early 2006.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Marketing

Marketing your book (or other product or service) is critical for success and Internet marketing is an area you’ll not want to ignore. Your own author Website is a great start to having an online presence, but actively enhancing a more diverse online presence through book marketing will create greater results. To see results from your book marketing activities, you must set time aside each day  to work on two to five marketing activities. To that end, take a moment right now to block out time for online marketing over the next six months. Some Website

Internet Marketing Strategy

Internet marketing strategy can attract more people to your site, increases customer for your business, and develop branding of your company and products. If you are a beginner on your online marketing, this top 10 list below will get you started on a plan that has worked for many.
  1. Start with a web promotion plan and an effective web design and development strategy.
  2. Learn to use Ema
  3. Get ranked at the top in major search engines, and practice good Search Optimization Techniques.
  4. il Marketing Effectively.
  5. Dominate your marketing niche with affiliate, reseller, and associate programs.

Article Marketing

Article marketing involves writing articles related to your online business and having them published online on designated article sites. These articles then have a tendency to spread around the internet world since the article services permit re-publication provided that all of the links in the article are maintained.

Article marketing can create in a traffic boost for your website, and the distribution of articles can promote your brand to an audience.
Writing articles and submitting them to a worldwide audience online can be very exciting in the beginning.

You start out with great ideas. You're motivated. You're inspired. You're ready, willing and able to educate audiences worldwide. You're psyched to start building your list with targeted leads so you can make more money online selling your books, products and services.

Blog Marketing

Blog marketing, which is the act of posting comments, expressing opinions or making announcements in a discussion forum and can be accomplished either by hosting your own blog or by posting comments and/or URLs in other blogs related to your product or service online.

A blog is relatively easy and inexpensive to start and maintain, with time probably being the most required resource. If blogging is handled correctly, the payoff for time, effort and whatever expense is deemed necessary, should be a fair amount of targeted traffic and should generate a good return on your blogging investment.

So this is a great way to either promote a home business or earn money as a business of its own. Blogs can be used to get the attention of search engines and drive traffic and interest toward your business Website or they can act entirely as the online presence for your business on their own. 

Internet Marketing

Now, Internet marketing is a broader mix of components a company that can use as a means of increasing sales, even if your business is done completely online, partly online, or completely offline. The decision to use Internet marketing as part of a company's overall marketing strategy is strictly up to the company of course, but as a rule, Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of nearly every company's marketing mix. For some online businesses, it is the only form of marketing being practiced.

Internet Marketing Objectives
  • Communicate a company's message about itself, its products, or its services online.
  • Conduct research as to the nature (demographics, preferences, and needs) of existing and potential customers.
  • Sell goods, services, or advertising space over the Internet.
  Internet Marketing main topic:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kamikasi Group


Kamikasi facebook group page a group facebook fan page. Created by the students of Filamer Christian University named Jojie Ugas, Jed Ryan Escovidal, Chino Barrios, and Rodgen Bersabal.

My Stuff

 My Stuff

My Stuff a facebook fan page.Where my. yours, and ours stuff will be recognize by everybody.

Url: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jojie-Stuff/110649782337779?v=app_4949752878&ref=ts